Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Say Hi To Your Reps!

Once again, just like other years before a new board will be selected to replace the old members. We should make way to the young ones dont we? ;)

And this year is definitely not exempted.

First of all credits to all of you who came billion miles away under the scorching hot sun... well today is not even that hot lah to Menara to vote although you guys dont have classes. Give yourself a pat at the back *pat pat pat*

Here's the statistics of today's voting:

72%!! WOOHOO~!!

Now to the most anticipating moment.
Let us give you a sneak peak of what happens behind-the-scenes in the voting arena! Prepare your armors people!

Ok lah. It wasnt THAT dramatic XD

Anxious! *dup dap dup dap*

Lagi anxious!


Whoa! Look at the votes! *whistles*

And I believe you have a result for us ya?

And TA-DAH!!!

Say hello to your new student body SSIL-ians!

Got problem?
Find them.

Unsure of something?
Ask them.

Need advice?
Get from them.

All of the above are only limited to SSIL matters only.
We dont accept love problems. Thank you!


We can assure you that we are nice, warm, friendly and out-going.
Also serious and responsible in work *_*

I swear I can hear the old board's liberty shrieks:


Yeeeap. Confirm it's them.


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