Masquerade Nite @ SSIL Nite 2010
Yes! Finally after weeks of hard work, drama and toil n sweat, we have successfully held SSIL Nite for the year 2010 with the theme 'Masquerade Nite', Let Your Mask Dance!!
On the big day itself, the AJKs departed from campus 8 something in the morning to Tiara Labuan Hotel for rehearsal and setting up the venue.
The early birds who arrived
Reaching Tiara, we quickly began our work in turning the place into a Masquerade ballroom :D
Tiara is the perfect place. Credits to the hotel management for the lovely place =)
Right at 5.30pm, the first bus arrived from campus. You see, when you first stepped into Tiara you'll be greeted with this background. At here, you can snapped pictures to your heart's content.
Like what some of our lecturers did.
Also, a violin player will be serenading you with his tunes.
Most of all, we are honored to have Pengarah SSIL, Prof. Madya Dr. Shariff Abdul Kadir Omang
Thank you Prof and Dr. =)
The MC too, for the his great mc-ing skills ^^
There's so much to say about the nite. Of course there are good and bad. One thing's for sure, you gotta be there to experience it yourself.
Right now, just let the pictures do all the talking *wink*
Here are the table decor.
And this is our ballroom setup. Enchanting isnt it?
The color plus the chandelier just make me go wow!
And the crowd!
Here's our food for the night. Kudos to Tiara's chefs! *salutes*
Yummy!! Looking at them makes me go hungry all over again...hahahaha...Of course, after filling our stomachs, we need something to entertain us! There were around 6 performances which included Broadway dance, accoustic bands, violin performance and singing.
Ta-da! Our program's guru penyelaras Mr. Ryan, pengarah Esywara and timbalan pengarah Alvin! Posing together with them is our backdrop which Alvin took it down as the props in their picture.
I guess Mr. Ryan and Esywara had no objection in that. Lol.
Alof of lecturers came to show their support and join in the fun!!
Part of our AJKs:
The lecturers:
Well, it's not all play and no work (we are very balanced people you know XD)
SSIL Nite aims to appreciate the achievement of students and lecturers and as a form of farewell to our beloved graduating seniors.
Awards were given that included Dean List and Best Students, FYP Showcase and Lecturers Awards.
And then The KING and QUEEN of the Nite!!!
Last but not! We see the playful sides of our SSIL lecturers which is actually a fun thing because everyone break free from their normal attitude routine and enjoyed the nite!!
See! Told you it's not all work and play. We DO ss you know *proud
Let your mask dance people!!!!
Time for group photos!!!
Our lecturers also can ss in their pictures....hahahahaah
Notice the 3 beautiful female lecturers and Mr. Tamrin?
And here Mr Ryan, Ms. Idyawati, Mr. Ahmad Rizal?
I bet everyone had fun that night ;D
Thank you all for making this event possible and a success: The committee, lecturers, SSILians and everyone that is involved directly or indirectly. You know who you are!
If we did anything wrong we apologise and we hoped that you've enjoyed yourself. We'll be more than glad if you did.
Well, to end this post, I shall post up the video of our lecturers' wishes to all third year seniors:
PMSSIL wishes all our seniors the best and chase your dreams! Never ever give up and give out your best shot in life! ;)
Jia you Selamat Maju Jaya Gambate Majandha wajada
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